1.Now, if you are someone with your retirement plans all set and ready to go, this article will be way too basic for you.
2.He was all set to join after Liverpool won the Champions League in 2005 but he took up Anfield's offer of a one-year contract extension.
3.OK, so we seem to be all set, except we are still missing one part of our surface, S, because we also need to look at the sides.
4.He was about to take them, when the serpent lunged at him with its three mouths all set to gobble him up in three bites.
5.We all set limits for ourselves, so it's up to you to make sure your limits are appropriate.
6.Our bags were packed and we were all set to leave when we received new instructions from our Government. We unpacked and stayed.
7.I was all set to do it and I was thinking, "Aw man, " I was just going to impose upon the powers that be, and measure the speed of light.
8.I just wanted to let you know , Morse is all set for tonight .
9.Once the environment is all set up, the Toolkit performs an inventory to identify all networked machines (see Figure 1 ).
10.They were all set to leave when the telephone rang.